Types of Hajj, Niyyat and Talbiyah

Bakhla Tours & Travels Pvt. Ltd.
5 min readJun 30, 2022


After putting on the clothing of ihram, you are ready to start your pilgrimage by making the intention of starting Hajj or `Umrah. It is recommended to make the intention after performing one of the obligatory prayers or after praying two rak`ahs. You express this intention by saying, in the case of `Umrah, “Labbayka, Allahuma, `Umrah” (O Allah, I answer Your call by performing `Umrah). As for Hajj, the intention varies according to the mode of Hajj you choose: 1. In ifrad Hajj, you are going to perform only Hajj and therefore you make the intention of Hajj saying “Labbayka, Allahuma, Hajjan” (O Allah, I answer Your call by performing Hajj). 2. In tamatu` Hajj, you are going to perform a full `Umrah followed by a break and then a full Hajj. Therefore, you make the intention of `Umrah saying “Labbayk, Allahuma, `Umrah” (O Allah, I answer Your call by performing `Umrah). On Dhul-Hijjah 8, you start Hajj so you make then the intention of Hajj saying “Labbayk, Allahuma, Hajjan” (O Allah, I answer Your call by performing Hajj). 3. In qiran Hajj, you are going to combine `Umrah with Hajj, so you make the intention of both `Umrah and Hajj saying “Labbayk, Allahuma, `Umratan wa Hajjan” (O Allah, I answer Your call by performing `Umrah and Hajj).

There are three ways of performing hajj.


Hajj-e- Ifraad

Hajj-e- Qiraan

According to Hanafi school of though Qiraan is considered the most meritious. The Tamattu comes there after and Ifraad is the last.

You are suppose to pronounce your niyaat after offering the Salaat-e- Ihram. Merely make the intentions and recite Talbiyah.

As mentioned earlier, you can perform Hajj in three different ways. you have to make niyyat accordingly as mentioned below:

Hajj-e-Tamattu: “Hajj-e-Tamattu” involves performing Umrah and then Hajj, with seperate Ihram for each. who ever performs Hajj-e-Tamattu is called “Mutamatti”. this form is considered to be the most convenient of the three forms of Hajj. It is the Hajj-e-Tamattu that is usually prefered by Indians.

If you intent to perform Hajj-e-Tamattu then you are required to enter the Ihram with intention of performing Umrah after performing Two Rakats of Sunnat-e-Ihram. There after men are suppose to remove the Ihram sheets from their heads and recite of Niyyat as Under:

“Allahumma Innee Ureedul Umratah Fa Yassirhaa Lee Wa Taqabbalhaa Minee Nawaitul Umratha Wa Ahramtu Biha Mukhlisal Lillaahi Ta’aalaa.”

(O Allah! I intend performing Umrah , render it easy for me and accept it for me. I have intended for Umrah and worn Ihram for it, for the sake of Allah only!)

The niyyat is nothing but your mental intention, however, to pronounce it verbally is preferred.

After making Niyyat immediately pronounce the Talbiyah Niyyat as under:

“ Labbaik. Allahumma Labbaik. Labbaik Laa Sharika Laka Labbaik. Innal Hamda Wan Ni’mata Laka Wal Mulk. Laa Shareeka Lak.”

( Here I am at your service . O Allah! I am present, you have no partners, I am present. Verely is praise and grace as well as the entire universe is yours. you have no partner.)

While reciting the Talbiyah the Niyyat should be firm in your mind. It is better to say like this:

“Labbaika Bil Umrah”

( I am present for Umrah.)

The Talbiyah is a prayer as well as an assertion of the pilgrim’s conviction that he intends to perform Ibadat only for the glory of Allah. One should start the recycle upon changing into the Ihram and continue to recite it as often as possible.

It is Sunnah to pronounce Talbiyah as mentioned above, without omitting any words. It is also Sunnah to pause at the places as indicated above. It is Mustahab to say the Talbiyah thrice whenever recited. Men should recite it loudly while women should recite it in a soft voice.

It is narrated by Hazrat Zaid ibne Khalid RadiAllahu Anhu that the holy Prophet Mohammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said that Jibraeel came to me and said: O Prophet! (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) instruct your companions to raise the voice while reciting Talbiyah as it is from the Sha’aair (ordnances) of Hajj. (Ibne Maajaha)

Hazrat Sahal Ibne Saad RadiAllahu Anhu narrated that the Holy Prophet Mohammed (Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) said that when a Muslim recites Talbiyah then every stone, tree and all the area to his left and right utter the same till it reaches the end of the earth. (Ibne Maajaha, Tirmidhi.)

It is undesirable to salute a person who is pronouncing Talbiyah loudly. If anyone does so, then the person pronouncing Talbiyah may reply to him after completion of Talbiyah. However, if it is felt that the Saluter may leave by then, in that case he may reply while reciting.

After the Niyyat and Talbiyah one becomes a Muhrim. (One whose Ihram is valid).

Then humbly beg Allah the Most Accepting to forgive your sins to save you from the Fire of Hell, to grant you Paradise and to accept all your efforts and Duas.

To make the Niyyat and recite Talbiyah are Wajib for the state of Ihram to commence. If one makes only the Niyat and fails to recite the Talbiyah or he recites the Talbiyah without the Niyat his Ihram is not valid. In the place of the talbiya if someone says:

“ Laa ilaaha illallah” or “ Alhamdulillah” or “ SubhanAllah”

With the intention of Ihraam it will be sufficient. However, to pronounce the Talbiyah is Sunnah. A person who is dumb must move his lips.

If you go beyond the Meeqaat without the Niyyat it will be as if you are entering without Ihram, though you may be wearing the Ihram dress. Dum will have to be given.

Once you reach Makkah, complete the Umrah and come out of your Ihram. You will put on the Ihram for Hajj later.

Hajj-e-Ifraad: Hajj-e-Ifraad involve performing Hajj only. The pilgrim is called the Mufrid. If you are intending to offer Hajj-e-Ifraad then after offering two rakat Salaat-e- Ihram as explained above you are required to make the Niyyat for Hajj only as stated below:

“Allahhumma Inee Ureedul Hajja Fa Yassirhu Lee Wa Taqabbalhu Minnee Nawaitul Hajja Wa Ahramtu Bihi Mukhlisat Lillaahi Ta’aalaa.”

(O Allah! I intend to perform Hajj, render it easy for me, and accept it from me. I have intended for Hajj and worn Ihram for it, for the sake of Allah only.)

A Mufrid will also recite the Talbiyah immediately after making Niyyat as shown below. Mufrid will say:

“ Labbaika Bil Hajj.”

( I am Present for Hajj)

Then humbly beg Allah the Most Accepting to forgive your sins to save you from the Fire of Hell, to grant you Paradise and to accept all your efforts and Duas.

After reaching Makkah, a Mufrid will offer Tawaaf-e- Qudoom, this Tawaaf is Sunnah. There is no Idhtibaa or Ramal in this Tawaaf



Bakhla Tours & Travels Pvt. Ltd.

Bakhla Tours & Travels Pvt. Ltd. is organising Hajj Umrah Tour and serving pilgrims since last 35 years. We are situated in Mumbai.